Dell Emuzed Angel PCI Dual TV Tuner Video Graphics Capture Card D6463 CN-0D6463
Dell Part Numbers: D6463, 0D6463, CN-0D6463, RD729, 0RD729, CN-0RD729
Compatible Dell D6463 Systems:
Dell Dimension: 4700, 5100, 5150, 8400, 9100, 9150, E510, Gen4 and Gen5
Dell XPS: 400 and 600
Broadcast Formats Supported: NTSC, PAL, SECAM
• View or Record (to disk) analog video from a Composite, S-Video or TV source
• Listen to or Record (to disk) analog audio. Source may be an external source (DVD or VCR player, etc.) or TV
• Dual tuners allow viewing one channel while recording a different channel or simultaneously recording two different channels
• High quality video processing helps to provide a cleaner, low noise picture